Latest news from our portfolio companies and the Verge network.
iWEECARE was featured on a UDN story on the time and resources savings of adopting Temp Pal in hospitals
iWEECARE was featured on Business Weekly on how they are working with other Taiwanese startups to provide a holistic COVID-19 monitoring solution
iWEECARE was featured on Formosa News programme on how it's helping the COVID-19 fight
reach52 was mentioned in the 2019 Novartis in Society annual report for their collaboration in providing access to affordable medicines
reach52 has formally kicked off their partnership with Globe Telecom (#1 telco in the Philippines) to provide mobile health solutions in rural communities
RetiSpec was mentioned in Canada's leading paper, The National Post as part of the Centre for Aging and Brain Health's efforts to tackle dementia with technology
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